Contentment versus Discontentment

What´s going on when we start to feel discontenment, we may also be a bit tired, and it looks it´s going to be too much today…

  • The first thing I have noticed about discontentment, tiredness, feeling overwhelmed etc. is that I CAN FEEL it, “Oh, I´m tired again. And how can I manage this way today?” – and I start to get worried about it – thinking …
  • The good news is that it has been all accompanied with a FEELING – in this case with a negative one – and it is enough just to notice it …

And then? What to do about it? Is it really enough just to notice it?

  • Well, when we notice it, there comes the possibility to Become Aware of it, “Do I like it, do I want to continue in this? Or would I prefer it in a different way now? And how exactly?”
  • And then maybe to try to Realize what I am Grateful for today? When I am Content and Happy?
  • And try to focus in this direction of – Contentment, Happiness and Gratefulness…

And is it possible at all? And how can I do it? How can I learn this? It seems to me that I haven´t still been very good at this or when it seems to be ok, as if I fall again – I am not able to do it, and that is a horrible feeling of… frustration and hopelessness…

  • Yes, and that is exactly the Moment for A – NOTICING it – the negative feeling and that I don´t like it and B – BECOMING AWARE of – Do I want it or not?
  • And C – to START FOCUSING in the direction of WHAT I really WANT – and simply start DOING IT. 🙂

That sounds very simple. Is it really that simple?

  • Surprisingly, yes – when we start to Notice it more – it is enough…:-)
  • And there is one more NICE SURPRISE – it seems as if it were a MIRACLE which works reliably, however.
  • Namely, the more I start to focus – go there where I am guided by my CONTENTMENT, HAPPINESS, GRATEFULNESS, the more JOYFUL AND CONTENT MOMENTS start to appear in my life… 🙂

PS: And we can talk about it more together if it sounded as a good idea to you, and if you were curious and interested to find out more about it for yourselves.

Marcela Krejčíková

mental well-being teacher

Mgr. Marcela Krejčíková
Zbořený Kostelec 70
257 41 Týnec nad Sázavou

+420 728 485 227

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