Feeling nice and/or trapped?

When we can already NOTICE MORE and more how it feels when we are ok and happy – while doing something WE REALLY LIKE – we are simply doing it – we are “in it”

  • – as opposed to when something starts to look “difficult” – what if we – again – absolutely innocently – kind of habitualy start thinking about it – and acting on that not so comfortable thinking = feelings
  • – instead of REALLY DOING SOMETHING – SIMPLY GETTING INTO SOMETHING – and/or ALLOWING OURSELVES A BREAK – with what could please us right now, what are we curious about, what makes us smile, what makes sense to us – right NOW? 🙂


  • What if those feelings were ALWAYS OUR INNER WISDOM NAVIGATION AND/OR ALARM – that we have been looking in a USEFUL or NOT VERY USEFUL direction for us – and when noticing it – that JUST BY THAT NOTICING  – it both AUTOMATICALLY CHANGES by itself, and/or we can SIMPLY USE OUR FREE WILL – CHOICE – not to continue in that direction which doesn´t feel so nice and interesting – and try to see something more interesting – something what sounds like better fun right now?  🙂


  • And what IF IT WERE OK too – to feel sometimes up and sometimes down – because that´s just life – and if we knew that there is really never anything wrong with us or anyone or anything else either – and we could simply enjoy anything – as there has always been everything ok right now – exactly the way it is.


  • And what IF WE COULD also RELY ON that we have always done OUR BEST, the same as we will always do it – given to our experience and knowledge so far; and that we do it RIGHT NOW too. 🙂


  • And what IF WE COULD COUNT ON more on that GREAT UNIVERSAL ENERGY, infinite potential – which everything living and not living has been formed from – including us – that we have always been in fact part of it – so that we can never lose it – we can always rely on it – as IT´S OUR CORE – IT´S US… TRUE LOVE and UNDERSTANDING 🙂


Mgr. Marcela Krejčíková
Zbořený Kostelec 70
257 41 Týnec nad Sázavou

+420 728 485 227

Copyright © 2016-2025 Marcela Krejčíková
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