What has seemed especially helpful recently to me….

Look where I am – Where I have got so far in my life…? – and be grateful for that 🙂
Notice – how I feel – moment to moment – and adapt accordingly – in other words – accept that simply.

(Ad the Czech film Medvídek with Ivan Trojan, Petr Macháček, Taťjána Vilhelmová/Dyková, Aňa Geislerová and others – Ivan Trojan says nearly at the end of the film something which really hit me: “We don´t have to understand everything, what if we simply accepted that, what if that was enough?” – which is so true and useful to me too.:-)

And keep looking and heading for what I really like, love, what makes me happy, what brings joy to me life – and do it too – and again be grateful for that…:-)

And if something looks difficult – first of all, notice again, then take the best care of myself – be loving, careful, understanding, accepting and forgiving towards myself too (always but in those lower moments especially), and last but not least in the cases “I don´t know now” – simply see it – notice it again and allow to ourselves not to know for a while, but also “ask the Universe/higher intelligence – infinite potential” – What could be the best solution in this…? (Or what am I supposed to learn/see newly here…?) – and stay curious about that…

Following curiosity and interest – but the feeling in general as my guidance – and yet not to think much about myself either – again noticing it and trusting it´s not on me anyway – what´s coming next and next…etc. – but what´s on me – how I react to it – on what I focus – if on positivity or negativity – because that grows then – and again nothing is wrong – as I can notice again whatever and adapt accordingly – keep asking myself – how do I want to feel now…? 🙂


Marcela Krejčíková, Mental Well-being Coach

Based on the 3 Principles – Mind, Conscioussness and Thought by Sydney Banks – now newly available on YouTube Sydney Banks.

Mgr. Marcela Krejčíková
Zbořený Kostelec 70
257 41 Týnec nad Sázavou

+420 728 485 227

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